We are looking for a number of items to add to our displays to add to the autenticity of the School Car. If you have any of the items listed below, the curators would be interested in hearing from you. Send us an email, and if possible please include a photo of the artifact.
These items from between 1940 to 1965 that are in good condition are on our wish list:
- men's, women's, children's clothing or boots
- old cans or packages (i.e., Carnation milk can, aspirin bottle, candy or cookie tins, etc.)
- children's games and toys
- small silver teaspoons
- china teacups and saucers
- silk geraniums
- metal bathroom towel rod
- small slate boards
- Canadian magazines
- Simpsons or Eaton's catalogues
- Toronto or Clinton newspapers
- snowshoes or skis
- telegraph machine